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Top 10 places to visit in Shanghai, China

Kathie Deng

Updated: Jan 24, 2023

Blog Structure: Pinyin - Chinese Character - English translation

Shànghǎi shì yīzuò chōngmǎn huólì de dà dūshì, wèiyú zhōngguó de zhōngxīn dìdài, shì yīzuò xiàndài yǔ chuántǒng wénhuà wánměi rónghé de chéngshì. Cóng gāosǒng de mótiān dàlóu dào gǔlǎo de yuánlín, shànghǎi zǒng yǒuyī chù shìhé měi yīgèrén. Yǐxià shì nín zài shànghǎi shí yīnggāi qù de 10 gè dìfāng.

上海是一座充满活力的大都市,位于中国的中心地带,是一座现代与传统文化完美融合的城市。 从高耸的摩天大楼到古老的园林,上海总有一处适合每一个人。 以下是您在上海时应该去的 10 个地方。

Shanghai, the vibrant metropolis located in the heart of China, is a city that offers a perfect blend of modern and traditional culture. From towering skyscrapers to ancient gardens, Shanghai has something to offer everyone. Here are the top 10 places you should visit while in Shanghai.

Wàitān – wàitān shì zhùmíng de bīn shuǐ qū, kěyǐ xīnshǎng dào chéngshì tiānjì xiàn dì měijǐng. Huángpǔ jiāng zài tā miànqián liútǎng, wàitān shì xīnshǎng zhè zuò chéngshì lìng rén jīngtàn de jiànzhú hé guānkàn chuánzhī jīngguò de lǐxiǎng chǎngsuǒ. Gāi dìqū hái yǒngyǒu jǐ zuò lìshǐ jiànzhú, lìrú hépíng fàndiàn hé yuán zhōngguó yínháng dàlóu, zhèxiē jiànzhú yǐ biàn chéng háohuá jiǔdiàn hé bówùguǎn.

1. 外滩 – 外滩是著名的滨水区,可以欣赏到城市天际线的美景。 黄浦江在它面前流淌,外滩是欣赏这座城市令人惊叹的建筑和观看船只经过的理想场所。 该地区还拥有几座历史建筑,例如和平饭店和原中国银行大楼,这些建筑已变成豪华酒店和博物馆。

The Bund – The Bund is a famous waterfront area that offers great views of the city's skyline. With the Huangpu River flowing in front of it, the Bund is the perfect place to take in the city's stunning architecture and watch boats pass by. The area is also home to several historic buildings, such as the Peace Hotel and the Former Bank of China Building, which has been turned into luxury hotels and museums.

Yùyuán – yùyuán shì yīzuò kě zhuīsù zhì 16 shìjì de chuántǒng zhōngguó yuánlín. Huāyuán shì táolí chéngshì xuānxiāo, xīnshǎng měilì fēngjǐng hé lìshǐ jiànzhú de lǐxiǎng chǎngsuǒ. Huāyuán lǐ hái yǒu gè zhǒng chítáng, yáncéng hé zhōngguó chuántǒng jiànzhú, rú dà jiǎshān hé bào chūn táng.

2. 豫园 – 豫园是一座可追溯至 16 世纪的传统中国园林。 花园是逃离城市喧嚣,欣赏美丽风景和历史建筑的理想场所。 花园里还有各种池塘、岩层和中国传统建筑,如大假山和报春堂。

Yuyuan Garden – Yuyuan Garden is a traditional Chinese garden that dates back to the 16th century. The garden is a perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and take in beautiful landscapes and historic structures. The garden is also home to a variety of ponds, rock formations, and traditional Chinese buildings, such as the Grand Rockery and the Hall of Heralding Spring.

Shànghǎi zhōngxīn dàshà – shànghǎi zhōngxīn dàshà shì shìjiè dì èr gāo de jiànzhú, cóng 118 céng de guān jǐng tái kěyǐ xīnshǎng dào chéngshì de quánjǐng. Gāi tǎ hái shè yǒuyī xìliè cāntīng hé shāngdiàn, yǐjí yījiā háohuá jiǔdiàn.

3. 上海中心大厦 – 上海中心大厦是世界第二高的建筑,从 118 层的观景台可以欣赏到城市的全景。 该塔还设有一系列餐厅和商店,以及一家豪华酒店。

Shanghai Tower – The Shanghai Tower is the second tallest building in the world and offers a panoramic view of the city from its observation deck on the 118th floor. The tower also features an array of restaurants and shops, as well as a luxury hotel.

Shànghǎi bówùguǎn – shànghǎi bówùguǎn shì yīzuò yǐ zhōngguó gǔdài yìshù hé wénwù wèi tèsè de shìjiè jí bówùguǎn. Bówùguǎn cángpǐn fēngfù, bāokuò qīngtóngqì, táocí qì, yùqì hé shūfǎ, ràng nín yī kuī zhōngguó fēngfù de lìshǐ hé wénhuà.

4. 上海博物馆 – 上海博物馆是一座以中国古代艺术和文物为特色的世界级博物馆。 博物馆藏品丰富,包括青铜器、陶瓷器、玉器和书法,让您一窥中国丰富的历史和文化。

Shanghai Museum – The Shanghai Museum is a world-class museum that features ancient Chinese art and artifacts. The museum has an extensive collection of bronze, ceramics, jade, and calligraphy, which provide a glimpse into the rich history and culture of China.

Jīn mào dàshà – jīn mào dàshà shì shànghǎi zuìgāo de jiànzhú zhī yī, zài 88 céng shè yǒu guān jǐng tái, kě xīnshǎng dào chéngshì de zhuànglì jǐngsè. Tǎlóu hái shè yǒuyī xìliè shāngdiàn hé cāntīng, yǐjí háohuá jiǔdiàn shànghǎi jūn yuè jiǔdiàn.

5. 金茂大厦 – 金茂大厦是上海最高的建筑之一,在 88 层设有观景台,可欣赏到城市的壮丽景色。 塔楼还设有一系列商店和餐厅,以及豪华酒店上海君悦酒店。

Jin Mao Tower – The Jin Mao Tower is one of the tallest buildings in Shanghai and offers an observation deck on the 88th floor, providing a stunning view of the city. The tower also features an array of shops and restaurants, as well as the Grand Hyatt Shanghai, a luxury hotel.

Xīntiāndì – xīntiāndì shì yīgè yǐ chuántǒng shí kù mén fángwū hé gè zhǒng shāngdiàn, cānguǎn hé jiǔbā wèi tèsè de shíshàng qūyù. Gāi dìqū shì tǐyàn zhè zuò chéngshì dútè de xiàndài yǔ chuántǒng wénhuà rónghé de wánměi chǎngsuǒ, yěshì duō jiā bówùguǎn hé yìshù huàláng de suǒzàidì.

6. 新天地 – 新天地是一个以传统石库门房屋和各种商店、餐馆和酒吧为特色的时尚区域。 该地区是体验这座城市独特的现代与传统文化融合的完美场所,也是多家博物馆和艺术画廊的所在地。

Xintiandi – Xintiandi is a trendy area that features traditional shikumen houses and a variety of shops, restaurants, and bars. The area is a perfect place to experience the city's unique blend of modern and traditional culture and is also home to several museums and art galleries.

Shànghǎi huánqiú jīnróng zhōngxīn – shànghǎi huánqiú jīnróng zhōngxīn shì shìjiè dì sì gāolóu, zài dì 100 céng shè yǒu guān jǐng tái. Tǎlóu hái shè yǒuyī xìliè shāngdiàn hé cāntīng, yǐjí háohuá jiǔdiàn shànghǎi bǎi yuè jiǔdiàn.

7. 上海环球金融中心 – 上海环球金融中心是世界第四高楼,在第 100 层设有观景台。 塔楼还设有一系列商店和餐厅,以及豪华酒店上海柏悦酒店。

Shanghai World Financial Center – The Shanghai World Financial Center is the fourth tallest building in the world and offers an observation deck on the 100th floor. The tower also features an array of shops and restaurants, as well as the Park Hyatt Shanghai, a luxury hotel.

Shànghǎi kējì guǎn – shànghǎi kējì guǎn shì yīgè zhǎnshì zuìxīn jìshù jìnbù de hùdòng shì bówùguǎn. Bówùguǎn shè yǒu gè zhǒng zhǎnpǐn, lìrú jīqìrén, xūnǐ xiànshí hé jiāohù shì xiǎnshìqì, wèi yóukè tígōng yǒuqù hé yǒu jiàoyù yìyì de tǐyàn.

8、上海科技馆 – 上海科技馆是一个展示最新技术进步的互动式博物馆。 博物馆设有各种展品,例如机器人、虚拟现实和交互式显示器,为游客提供有趣和有教育意义的体验。

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum – The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum is an interactive museum that showcases the latest technological advancements. The museum features a variety of exhibits, such as robots, virtual reality, and interactive displays, that provide a fun and educational experience for visitors.

Shànghǎi chéngshì guīhuà zhǎnlǎn guǎn——shànghǎi chéngshì guīhuà zhǎnlǎn guǎn shì yīzuò zhǎnshì chéngshì guòqù, xiànzài hé wèilái fāzhǎn de bówùguǎn. Bówùguǎn shè yǒu gè zhǒng zhǎnpǐn, lìrú chéngshì móxíng, hùdòng zhǎnshìhé xūnǐ xiànshí jùyuàn, kě ràng nín shēnrù liǎojiě shànghǎi de lìshǐ hé fāzhǎn.

9、上海城市规划展览馆——上海城市规划展览馆是一座展示城市过去、现在和未来发展的博物馆。 博物馆设有各种展品,例如城市模型、互动展示和虚拟现实剧院,可让您深入了解上海的历史和发展。

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center – The Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center is a museum that offers a glimpse into the city's past, present, and future development. The museum features a variety of exhibits, such as models of the city, interactive displays, and a virtual reality theater, that provides an in-depth look at the history and development of Shanghai.

Shànghǎi mǎxì chéng——shànghǎi mǎxì chéngshì yīgè yǐ zájì biǎoyǎn hé qítā zhōngguó chuántǒng jiémù wèi tèsè de rèmén chǎngsuǒ. Zhèxiē biǎoyǎn shì yóukè bì kàn de, bìng tígōng dútè ér lìng rén xīngfèn de tǐyàn.

10、上海马戏城——上海马戏城是一个以杂技表演和其他中国传统节目为特色的热门场所。 这些表演是游客必看的,并提供独特而令人兴奋的体验。

Shànghǎi shì yīzuò shì hé měi gè rén de chéng shì, zhè 10 dà dìdiǎn shì rènhé yóulǎn de jué jiā qǐdiǎn. Wúlùn nín shì duì lìshǐ, wénhuà huán shì xiàndài jiànzhú gǎn xìngqù, shànghǎi dū néng tígōng ràng nín jīngtàn bùyǐ de dōngxī.

Shanghai Circus World – Shanghai Circus World is a popular venue that features acrobatic performances and other traditional Chinese shows. The performances are a must-see for visitors and provide a unique and exciting experience.

Shanghai is a city that has something to offer everyone, and these top 10 places are a great starting point for any visit. Whether you're interested in history, culture, or modern architecture, Shanghai has something to offer that will leave you in awe.

上海是一座适合每个人的城市,这 10 大地点是任何游览的绝佳起点。 无论您是对历史、文化还是现代建筑感兴趣,上海都能提供让您惊叹不已的东西。



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